We are contracted with most major insurance companies as well as Washington and Idaho
I developed the LIVE MOXIE program out of my own experience of wanting something better for myself and my health but not knowing how to value myself enough to make a change, know what change to make, and how to cultivate the support I needed to keep going when it became difficult.
The passion behind LIVE MOXIE is to provide a plan and systematic progression for people who are choosing to create the abilities to advance their capabilities in order to cultivate their desired future.
Members are joining with others in the pursuit of learning how to live more intentionally, confidently, and actively!
Occupational Therapist, Functional Nutrition Counselor, Adaptive and Inclusive Trainer,
Crossfit L1 Certified.
Workout for your confidence in your ability to move, strengthen muscles, and become more active!
What if it was about:
My approach:
First, we must know how our body is currently able to move safely. Typically when I ask someone's physical state they can list all the things they cannot do, but actually knowing what they CAN do is a more difficult question to answer.
That is where we start with all the primary movements. These are the basis of every other movement we do. So, it makes sense that we should want to be experts in how we CAN move safely and accurately through the 7 primary movements:
Squat, Hinge, Lunge, Push, Pull, Rotate and Locomotion
It’s not about what we eat, but what our body can DO with what we eat.
My approach:
For me, it is not about good food vs bad food. It is about being aware of what our daily food habits actually consist of for body function and what the body is able to produce from it…tissue growth, strength, and energy or cortisol and storage.
This also refers to how our symptoms are either aggravated by the fuel we choose (inflammation is fed) or if what we eat facilitates healing and our body’s ability to support our homeostasis (reduced/healing inflammation).
Here are some initial steps we take through LIVE MOXIE nutrition coaching:
“After a month on the LIVE MOXIE program, I’ve experienced a subtle but profound shift. I’ve found myself saying yes to walks, hikes, swimming, and adventures…without even realizing it! I suddenly looked around and realized I’ve started to think of myself as an active person!”
- History of TBI
“My comment on how I would be without the program. WOW. I have thought about that every day since we found the property.
I would be slow, tired, and sore, and need help.
I wouldn't be as mobile or agile. Getting up and down step stools and chairs would be more difficult. Packing and moving boxes around.
I have built overall strength in my whole body. This helps in lifting things correctly. Pushing and pulling, etc.
Balance, energy level, and endurance.
Being independent and having physical strength is huge for my mental health too!”
- History of TBI and a recent reconstructive leg injury
“I love the MNRI aspect & I love how you describe the movements. I think it takes my mind off the negative parts of exercise & refocuses it on seeing the movements from different perspectives. It's so different from the same ol', same ol'. This fresh perspective feels good physically & mentally.
I'm so happy to know you. I can really see your heart is all about helping people & it speaks volumes.”
“I highly recommend training with Laurie. You have never had a personal training experience like this. This is not your average walk-around a gym and have someone tell you what exercises to do. Laurie meets you where you are at. As someone with a chronic illness, working out can be a struggle. Laurie helps me with every aspect of working out to engaging my core and breathing correctly, to form and creating goals. Modifications that Laurie has shown me have made my workouts much easier on my body, while still achieving a great workout. I feel much more capable after working with Laurie and more in control of my body and my workouts. I cannot recommend her enough as she has had a huge positive impact on not only my workouts but my everyday life.”
- Chronic Autoimmune
"The nutrition approach has not been as hard as I anticipated and has been very enlightening in learning and understanding what balance looks like. What eating habits I may have thought were healthy, really were not. I think that it would be a helpful step in anybody’s understanding of their food intake. Not necessarily just considering somebody who is trying to diet."
“I have been focusing on nutrition with Laurie for 6 weeks, and it has brought about a sweet change in my life. Most easily measured is that I have lost 6 lbs, after about a year and a half being cemented at a certain weight no matter what I tried. Intermittent fasting, tea fasting, eating "right"... I didn't take before pictures.The largest benefit has been an awareness of food! The different types of FUEL we actually need. I'm not that active. I play pickleball 2-3 times a week, at least 2 hrs at a time. Now I have a greater chance of being more nimble to get balls, faster reflexes at the kitchen line, and being more confident.”
Foundations Holistic Therapy-MNRI
104 South Freya Street Suite 109D Brown Flag Building, Spokane, Washington 99202, United States
Phone: 509-554-5565 Fax: 509-381-3524
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